Emerys Shaw – Canvas Paws Co.

Emerys Shaw

Canvas Paws Co.

Studio: Sequim, WA

Email: emerys2023@outlook.com / canvaspawsco@gmail.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/canvaspawsco

Emerys Shaw is a talented artist specializing in acrylic and oil paintings. Known for her small business, CanvasPawsCo, she creates personal pet portraits that capture the unique spirit of each animal with a realistic yet distinctive touch. Beyond her business, Emerys explores surrealism and pop art, creating pieces that reflect her innermost thoughts and inspirations. Since she was a little girl, Emerys has been passionate about art, a love nurtured by her grandmother who first introduced her to drawing. Graduating in June with a degree in Sociology and a minor in Psychology, Emerys has continued to develop her artistic skills and vision. This studio tour marks her first official art show, a significant milestone she is thrilled to share alongside her grandmother. Emerys draws inspiration from her clients and the beloved pets she paints, as well as the spontaneous ideas that flow like a diary onto her canvases. Having spent her life watching her grandmother create art, Emerys feels deeply honored to now present her own work next to hers in her grandmother’s studio. This opportunity is a profound and personal testament to their shared love for art.