Deborah Anne Harrison
Deborah Anne Harrison Designs
Studio: Sequim, WA
Layered stained glass sculptures, and mixed media (ceramic, stone, glass) water sculptures

Like many artists, I look to nature for my inspiration, and living on the Olympic Peninsula, I find her splendor in every direction.
Whether its the shimmering deep blues of the Salish Sea, the sparkles of a cascading waterfall, or the tranquil waters of Lake Crescent, the beauty of this place we call home enchants me. Capturing just a tiny bit of this magic through my artwork is my aim.
I have always been mesmerized by the rich translucent colors of stained glass. To amplify this quality, I developed a unique technique: I layer the glass. This makes my glass artwork three dimensional, and adds a depth and complexity not found in traditional approaches. The pieces are designed for a sunlit window. It is there they seem to come to life… glimmering, shimmering, dancing with the light.
Layered Glass Sculptures
Many different sizes will be available for purchase: from very small window hangings to large sculptures. The beauty of the Olympic Peninsula—-its landscapes, waterfalls, rivers, lakes, and seas—is the general theme.
Mixed Media Watersculptures
These are indoor fountains, illuminated from within, and made of ceramic, stone and stained glass. A gentle cascade of water adds a calming energy to any environment. Designed using principles of sacred geometry.
Approximately 21” high, with a 6” X 8” basin.

I have always loved the translucence of stained glass: my brain seems to light up with pleasure when I behold its brilliant, bold colors. I try to capture the luminous magic of stained glass to depict the stunning Pacific Northwest landscapes and seascapes, lakes and waterfalls.
I like to work with a very special stained glass called ‘waterglass’. When placed in window light, its ripples catch and reflect the sun. They make the glass sparkle and shimmer and it seems to dance, giving the sense of peering into a watery realm.
Working with glass is challenging, but I enjoy experimenting with novel approaches. Several years ago, I discovered that “layering” my stained glass had a very pleasing result: a three-dimensional sculpture that is rich with complexity and depth.
I aspire to have my artwork capture a bit of the exquisite natural beauty that surrounds us.