Jennifer Harris – Terra Felta

Jennifer Harris

Terra Felta   

Studio: Sequim, WA





Just trying to stay sane by stabbing things repeatedly.

About me and what I create:

I started needle-felting following an ankle surgery many years ago. It fell to the wayside in favor of other crafts for a while, but during the pandemic I picked it up again and it turned into a passion. I started creating needle-felted terrariums that I call Tiny Worlds.

I mostly stick to mushrooms in my worlds creating both standard shrooms and what I call fantasy fungi. You might also find tiny creatures such as hedgehogs, rabbits or snails and decor such as rocks, driftwood and geodes.

Each world is hand-crafted and no two are alike. I use jars that would otherwise be destined for the garbage or recycling to create my worlds.

Lately I’ve branched into needle-felted flowers and I’ve also created a few Tiny Worlds featuring coral reefs. Visit my studio to see a little bit of each, plus many items created just for the Holidays.